About Us

Our Mission

To transport America’s Veterans to Washington, DC to visit those memorials dedicated to honor the service and sacrifices of themselves and their friends.

Although Triad Honor Flight was incorporated in 2020, flights from Greensboro were held from 2009-2011.  Organized by Rotary District 7690, around 1300 WWII Veterans were transported to Washington DC.  We are very excited to now be including all Veterans to include WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War and all those who served in between. Triad Honor Flight is a 501(c) (3) and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.

Meet Our Board

Alison Huber
Executive Director

I had no idea how impactful a day in DC with my Dad would be. Starting Triad Honor Flight has been a LOT of work, but worth every minute! The blessings and new relationships that have come from this experience are beyond measure. Honor Flight 'allergies' happening as I type.

Shelby Kline

This has been a life changing experience for me. It has been such an honor to be able to give back to those who sacrificed so much for us! It is a passion of mine, and nothing better than seeing Veterans get the recognition they truly deserve. I am grateful that it brings the community together in so many aspects. I have gained many friends throughout this process and will forever be thankful for this experience.

Valerie Marsh
Tonya Angel

Around 2019, I was contacted by the Triad Honor Flight to host a fundraiser fish fry and was asked later to be a member of the THF Medical Team. Now, as the THF Medical Coordinator, I provide independent medical interviews to ensure each Veteran's trip to their Memorials is safe and the proper medical equipment for the THF Medical Teams is provided.

Elaine Dills

I started this journey 12 years ago with the original Triad Flight of Honor for WWII Veterans. To meet such heroes and hear their stories was indescribable. It literally changed my life and got me involved in many other Veteran causes. I have no come full circle with Triad Honor Flight, and it is such a great honor to do this for our Veterans.

Tommy Riggins

I had the pleasure of being a Guardian for a dear friend and Veteran on the first flight in 2022. My friend, Larry Warlick's, main wish was going to the Vietnam Wall and looking for the name of a friend who was MIA. When I saw the impact this had, it motivated me to want to help more veterans be honored and visit the memorials. I asked Alison how I can help, and that is when she said 'we have a spot open on the board'. This has been my passion project ever since.

Bob Jackson

The reason I am on the board is that I want to give back to our Veterans as much as I can. I have seen the sacrifices that our men and women of the armed forces have made for our benefit, and I to pay them back as long as I can. I am a Veteran who was not involved in the conflicts that these other veterans were involved in and this is my way of showing my deep appreciation for what they have done.

Mike Henley

I was a Guardian on a flight with a 93 year old WWII Vet. When we returned to PTI, a reporter asked him if he had a good day. He replied, 'I am 93 and have had many good days, but this was the best day of my life. It does not get any better than that. I am a two tour Vietnam Veteran, US Navy, USS Forrestal and USS Kitty Hawk. I am grateful to have discovered Triad Honor Flight. It fills my heart and days helped be part of this wonderful organization.

Lynne Allen

I am on the board because Veterans are extremely near and dear to my heart, as most of the men in my family have served and fought for our country. My father was in the US Army(Korea). My little brother was in the US Marines for 12 years for Desert Shield and Desert Storm. He later joined the US Army for 20 years and fought in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Finally, my oldest son, Casey, was in the Army National Guard for 10 years and deployed to the Middle East twice for 13 months each time. What I love most about being on the Board is working alongside all the other most amazing members to help do everyhthing we can do to get as many Veterans as we can onto a future flight. They so very much deserve the honor, the thanks, and the welcome home that they never received. Just to see how much one of these flights means to each Veteran lights up my heart.

Ron Money

Veterans and their families sacrificed and committed their talents to defend the principles and freedoms on which our nation was founded. I am proud to be a part of an organiztion that honors our Veterans with a trip to visit the memorials dedicated to their service. I particularly enjoy getting tto know the Veterans and the stories of their military service. The excitement and joy these trips bring to the Veterans is contagious to everyone involved.

Sherry Dreyer